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Hello, I'm


Just another high schooler from Dhaka, BD, who watches cat videos on his Arch Linux powered PC.

About Me

An average boi

I used to play GTA Vice City on this good old ideapad laptop until one day, in 2017, when my sibling sparked my curious mind with the urge to learning to code.

I'm Mehedi Rahman Mahi, currently studying general science at 12th grade in Bangladesh. I'm interested in UI designing, competitive programming and computer science. I've been a passionate linux user since 2020. I often code when I'm relaxed, just to destroy my sanity.

No, I can't fix printers or hack social media accounts.

Some stuffs I've made

About which I tell her mother.


Inspired from the massive fetch-madness on r/unixporn, I and @mdgaziur also started working on this fetch tool.

Miserable XFCE

My attempt to prove many WM fanboys that it's their skill issue to fail to make Xfce pretty.


Jash stands for "Just Another SHell", through which I'm supposed to learn some C stuffs

Jack of a few trades

Master of none

Codeforces ...
Tailwind CSS